Crazy Drivers Caught on Video
As motorists we've all seen with our own eyes the sheer stupidity and irresponsibility of some of the drivers of our roads. It's rare to make a lengthy journey without seeing a handful of dangerous manoeuvres by drivers who take un-necessary risks.
We've collected some of the world's most crazy drivers, traffic incidents and amazing crashes on video, including the police's worst nightmare, a lorry spilling thousands of cans of Carlsberg lager, road rage incidents and some of our continential friends in charge of huge trucks on European motorways.
Crazy Drivers
Crazy crazy truck drivers

Some shockingly bad truckers on a European highway. What on earth were the drivers of these huge lorries thinking about?
Incredible Crashes
Carlsberg crash

Could this be the best crash of the decade? A lorry crashes, spilling thousands of cans of Carlsberg lager onto the motorway.
Crash compilation

A compilation of some of the most incredible videos of crashes and incidents on Britain's roads and motorways.
Dangerous Driving
Chester's mad drivers

A selection of dangerous driving videos taken on some of Chester's roads, including ignoring no entry signs.
Road rage UK

The driver of this Audi is clearly annoyed with this motorist. Look for the little dog in the back seat who is thrown about.

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