The following traffic incidents and congestion for Taff Merthyr Garden Village have been reported by Highways England, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales or Transport for London (TfL) in the last two hours:
M4 J33 CAPEL LLANILLTERN TO A48 INTERCHANGEDescription: A4232SouthboundM4 J33 Capel Llanilltern to A48 InterchangeCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 8:20 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:50, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 8:20
Nearest town: 12.13 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
J29 CASTLETON TO J29A ST MELLONSDescription: A48MWestboundJ29 Castleton to J29A St MellonsCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 7:58 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:58, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 7:58
Nearest town: 12.45 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
CLEARED @ 08:06 J32 CORYTONDescription: M4EastboundJ32 (Cardiff) CorytonoffslipCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 7:40 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:40, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 7:40
Nearest town: 9.88 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
CLEARED @ 07:54 A48 INTERCHANGE TO M4 J33 CAPEL LLANILLTERNDescription: A4232NorthboundA48 Interchange to M4 J33 Capel LlanillternCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 7:39 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:39, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 7:39
Nearest town: 12.13 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
CLEARED @ 07:42 NANTGARW TO CORYTONDescription: A470SouthboundNantgarw to CorytonCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 7:06 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:06, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 7:06
Nearest town: 8.58 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
CLEARED @ 07:18 J26 MALPAS TO J24 COLDRADescription: M4EastboundJ26 (Newport) Malpas to J24 (Newport) ColdraCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 6:45 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 8:45, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 6:45
Nearest town: 15.22 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
CLEARED @ 06:54 J24 COLDRA TO J26 MALPASDescription: M4WestboundJ24 (Newport) Coldra to J26 (Newport) MalpasCarriageway maintenanceTunnel closedDiversions in place17/03/25-19/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 17/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 19/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 17/03/2025 20:00
Nearest town: 15.22 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
J28 TREDEGAR PARK TO J25 CAERLEONDescription: M4EastboundJ28 (Newport) Tredegar Park to J25 (Caerleon) CaerleonCarriageway maintenanceTunnel closedDiversions in place19/03/25-21/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 19/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 21/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 8:09
Nearest town: 12.94 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
NANTGARW TO TAFF'S WELLDescription: A470SouthboundNantgarw to Taffs WellStructural inspectionsRoad closedDiversions in place17/03/25-20/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 17/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 20/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 17/03/2025 20:00
Nearest town: 8.12 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
UPPER BOATDescription: A470WestboundUpper BoatCarriageway maintenanceRoad closedDiversions in place03/03/25-05/04/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 03/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 05/04/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 7:53
Nearest town: 6.2 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
PENTREBACH TO MERTHYR TYDFILDescription: A470NorthboundPentrebach to Merthyr TydfilResurfacing workRoad closedDiversions in place18/03/25-19/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 18/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 19/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 7:55
Nearest town: 6.23 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
SCETHROG TO CEFN BRYNICHDescription: A40Both directionsScethrog to Cefn BrynichWater main workRoad closedDiversions in place20/03/25-24/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 20/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 24/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 7:28
Nearest town: 18.23 miles from Taff Merthyr Garden Village.
CLEARED @ 07:54