The following traffic incidents and congestion for Nantyglo have been reported by Highways England, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales or Transport for London (TfL) in the last two hours:
EASTBOUNDDescription: M4Now clearEastboundJ29 (Cardiff) Castleton to J24 (Newport) Coldra, Start time: 18/03/2025 9:11 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:16, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 9:11
Nearest town: 14.57 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:30 SOUTHBOUNDDescription: A470Now clearSouthboundNantgarw to Coryton, Start time: 18/03/2025 10:02 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 10:07, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 10:02
Nearest town: 16.98 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:30 EASTBOUNDDescription: M4Now clearEastboundJ32 (Cardiff) Coryton, Start time: 18/03/2025 9:57 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 10:02, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 9:57
Nearest town: 17.99 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:30 WESTBOUNDDescription: A48MNow clearWestboundJ29 Castleton to J29A St Mellons, Start time: 18/03/2025 9:47 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:52, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 9:47
Nearest town: 17.01 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:30 NORTHBOUNDDescription: A470Now clearNorthboundCoryton to Nantgarw, Start time: 18/03/2025 9:57 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 10:02, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 9:57
Nearest town: 16.98 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:30 WESTBOUNDDescription: M4Now clearWestboundJ28 (Newport) Tredegar Park, Start time: 18/03/2025 9:48 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:53, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 9:48
Nearest town: 16.2 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:30 SOUTHBOUNDDescription: A470Now clearSouthboundNantgarw to Coryton, Start time: 18/03/2025 10:02 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 10:07, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 10:02
Nearest town: 16.98 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:06 EASTBOUNDDescription: M4Now clearEastboundJ29 (Cardiff) Castleton to J24 (Newport) Coldra, Start time: 18/03/2025 9:11 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:16, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 9:11
Nearest town: 14.57 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 09:18 CORYTON TO NANTGARWDescription: A470NorthboundCoryton to NantgarwCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 8:32 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 10:31, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 8:32
Nearest town: 16.98 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:42 J29 CASTLETON TO J29A ST MELLONSDescription: A48MWestboundJ29 Castleton to J29A St MellonsCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 18/03/2025 7:58 , Expected end time: 18/03/2025 9:58, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 18/03/2025 7:58
Nearest town: 17.01 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:06 TUA'R DWYRAINDisgrifiad: M4Wedi clirioTuar DwyrainC32 Coryton, Amser y digwyddiad: 18/03/2025 9:57 , Amser gorffen a ragwelir: 18/03/2025 10:02, Difrifoldeb: Cymedrol, Ffynhonnell: Llywodraeth Cymru, Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 18/03/2025 9:57
Nearest town: 17.99 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 10:06 C28 PARC TREDEGARDisgrifiad: M4Tuar GorllewinC28 Parc TredegarTagfeyddln ymadaelOedin bosibl :, Amser y digwyddiad: 18/03/2025 8:36 , Amser gorffen a ragwelir: 18/03/2025 10:06, Difrifoldeb: Cymedrol, Ffynhonnell: Llywodraeth Cymru, Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 18/03/2025 8:36
Nearest town: 16.2 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:42 J24 COLDRA TO J26 MALPASDescription: M4WestboundJ24 (Newport) Coldra to J26 (Newport) MalpasCarriageway maintenanceTunnel closedDiversions in place17/03/25-19/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 17/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 19/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 17/03/2025 20:00
Nearest town: 15.7 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:30 J28 TREDEGAR PARK TO J25 CAERLEONDescription: M4EastboundJ28 (Newport) Tredegar Park to J25 (Caerleon) CaerleonCarriageway maintenanceTunnel closedDiversions in place19/03/25-21/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 19/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 21/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 8:09
Nearest town: 14.58 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:30 NANTGARW TO TAFF'S WELLDescription: A470SouthboundNantgarw to Taffs WellStructural inspectionsRoad closedDiversions in place17/03/25-20/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 17/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 20/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 17/03/2025 20:00
Nearest town: 16.63 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:18 UPPER BOATDescription: A470WestboundUpper BoatCarriageway maintenanceRoad closedDiversions in place03/03/25-05/04/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 03/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 05/04/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 7:53
Nearest town: 15.12 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:18 PENTREBACH TO MERTHYR TYDFILDescription: A470NorthboundPentrebach to Merthyr TydfilResurfacing workRoad closedDiversions in place18/03/25-19/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 18/03/2025 20:00 , End Date: 19/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 15/03/2025 7:55
Nearest town: 9.43 miles from Nantyglo.
CLEARED @ 08:18