Current traffic around Gellygron
The following traffic incidents and congestion for Gellygron have been reported by Highways England, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales or Transport for London (TfL) in the last two hours:
FOELGASTELLDescription: A48EastboundFoelgastellCarriageway maintenanceLanes closed
Delay: s possible10/03/25-27/03/25 0900-1900 :, Start time: 10/03/2025 9:00 , End Date: 27/03/2025 19:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 10/03/2025 9:00
Nearest town: 12.21 miles from Gellygron.
CLEARED @ 15:06 ABERDULAIS TO RESOLVENDescription: A465EastboundAberdulais to ResolvenRoadworksRoad closedDiversions in place03/02/25-31/03/25 2000-0600 :, Start time: 03/02/2025 20:00 , End Date: 31/03/2025 6:00, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 03/02/2025 20:00
Nearest town: 5.88 miles from Gellygron.
CLEARED @ 15:06
There are no current incidents in this location.