J43 LLANDARCY TO J45 YNYSFORGANDescription: M4WestboundJ43 (Neath) Llandarcy to J45 (Swansea) YnysforganCongestionCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 23/12/2024 16:53 , Expected end time: 23/12/2024 19:10, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 23/12/2024 16:53
Nearest town: 1.28m from Glais.
CLEARED @ 17:06 NORTHBOUNDDescription: A4232Now clearNorthboundA48 Interchange to M4 J33 Capel Llanilltern, Start time: 23/12/2024 15:54 , Expected end time: 23/12/2024 15:59, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 23/12/2024 15:54
Nearest town: 1.37m from Peterston.
CLEARED @ 16:54 SOUTHBOUNDDescription: A4232Now clearSouthboundM4 J33 Capel Llanilltern to A48 Interchange, Start time: 23/12/2024 15:49 , Expected end time: 23/12/2024 15:54, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 23/12/2024 15:49
Nearest town: 1.37m from Peterston.
CLEARED @ 16:54 J38 MARGAM TO J41 PENTYLA/BAGLANDescription: M4WestboundJ38 (Port Talbot) Margam to J41 (Port Talbot) Pentyla/BaglanCongestion
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 23/12/2024 15:20 , Expected end time: 23/12/2024 17:20, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 23/12/2024 15:20
Nearest town: 1.35m from Port Talbot.
CLEARED @ 15:30 M4 J33 CAPEL LLANILLTERN TO A48 INTERCHANGEDescription: A4232SouthboundM4 J33 Capel Llanilltern to A48 InterchangeCongestionDue to Accident earlier
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 23/12/2024 13:59 , Expected end time: 23/12/2024 15:59, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 23/12/2024 13:59
Nearest town: 1.37m from Peterston.
CLEARED @ 14:06 A48 INTERCHANGE TO M4 J33 CAPEL LLANILLTERNDescription: A4232NorthboundA48 Interchange to M4 J33 Capel LlanillternIncidentLane closedDue to Accident
Delay: s possible :, Start time: 23/12/2024 13:27 , Expected end time: 23/12/2024 15:26, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 23/12/2024 13:27
Nearest town: 1.37m from Peterston.
CLEARED @ 13:42