Advertise on Traffic Update

Who we are

Advertising your business with Traffic Update can provide your company with many unique opportunities and strategies that enable you to directly communicate with your target market so that you can get maximum return for your investment.

We're ideally placed to help you to create a bespoke advertising campaign that will get your marketing message across, no matter how big or small your marketing budget may be. We don't have fancy expensive offices to run, a large team of management executives, or a host of shareholders, so we can keep marketing costs down.

Why not have a no-obligation chat about running an advertising campaign on Traffic Update, by clicking on the button below:

Talk to us today

Advertising Opportunities

A host of options

Advertise with us

Traffic Update can offer you a range of advertising opportunities to suit your marketing budget, and we'd love to talk to you to help your company to create a bespoke package that suits your needs perfecty. We can offer:

  • Banner advertising
  • Advertorials
  • Sponsored features
  • Sponsored news items
  • Sponsorship packages
  • You tell us...!

Traffic Statistics

Our reach

Traffic Analysis

We've just relaunched with a brand-new website, so full traffic statistics aren't yet available. Please come back soon.


Who, where, what

Useful motoring advice and services

Quite obviously, the vast majority (almost 95%) of our website visitors live, or are based, in the UK. With twenty percent of our website total traffic being repeat visitors, we know that the service we operate is popular, and motorists regularly re-visit us for information about road traffic incidents.

As we've just relaunched this new website we'll be adding more demographic information and statistics as soon as we can.